Online reception

Registration of applicants for the new academic year will begin on June 5.

Registration of applicants for the 2024-2025 academic year will begin on June 5 and continue until June 25. Entrance exams to state higher and professional educational institutions are held in July-August.

 Registration of applicants to state higher education institutions in Uzbekistan for the 2024-2025 academic year will begin on June 5. The Knowledge Assessment Agency made the announcement based on the presidential decree of May 24.

Earlier, we wrote that from the new year, entrance exams to state higher and professional educational institutions (with the exception of vocational schools) will be held simultaneously according to the principle of "test first, then selection".

In this case, the applicants take part in the competition for admission to the undergraduate courses of higher education, and then to professional educational institutions, based on the score they have obtained as a result of the test.

Entrance exams for admission to higher and professional educational institutions are held in July-August.

The process of admission to the bachelor's degree of state higher education institutions is carried out in the following 2 stages:

1. At the 1st stage, applicants register to take the test every year from June 5 to June 25 and choose the subject complex, the language of education and the area of ​​the test, as well as the professional (creative) exam as part of the entrance exams. , the state that conducts this exam chooses the HEI.

2. At the 2nd stage, applicants choose a higher education institution, a bachelor's course of study and a form of education within 15 days after the full completion of the tests.

Applicants who express their desire to study in colleges and technical schools choose a college and (or) technical school, profession and specialty, as well as the form of education within 10 days after the announcement of the final result of admission to higher education institutions.

Starting from the 2024/2025 academic year, an educational grant will be allocated for one academic year to undergraduate and graduate students. In this:

— an educational grant is allocated to students who scored high marks in the entrance exams in accordance with the state order quota allocated to higher education institutions in the first year;

— the educational grant is redistributed in a differentiated manner by higher education organizations among socially active and socially active students in the second and subsequent courses;

— the educational grant is financed in a differentiated manner, and the scholarship is paid only to students who have won a full educational grant;

— students who have a social incentive grant are provided with a state grant in full for the period of their studies;

- the obligation of students who studied on the basis of an educational grant to work for at least 3 years after graduation is canceled.

The target admission parameters for the 2024-2025 academic year and the distribution of the admission parameters in the language segment were posted on the website of the Knowledge Evaluation Agency

The amount of payment for participation in the test - 170,000 soums (0.5 BHM)

The following categories of applicants will not be charged:

A call center has been established at our institute for issues related to the process of accepting documents for the 2024/2025 academic year, you can get the necessary information by calling the following phone number:

+998 50 772-21-26

+998 50 714-21-26

+998 50 728-21-26

+998 50 574-21-26

+998 50 578-21-26

+998 50 587-21-26