Faculties of the Institute

International Education Faculty

dekan images
  • Dean: Usmonov Farxodjon Komiljonovich
  • PhD in Medicine
  • Phone: +(890) - 900 - 12 - 30
  • E-mail: noname@gmail.com
  • Lifetime: Toshkent shahar
  • Reception time: Every day 1400-1800

About International Education Faculty

The Faculty of International Education was established on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-2909 "On improving the system of higher education" dated April 20, 2017, Protocol No. 9 of the State Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the admission of applicants to higher educational institutions", as well as the order of the rector of the Dental Institute No. 689 / AF dated September 3, 2019.


In 2018, the Department of International Education was opened at TGSI. E.A. Gaibullaev was appointed the head of the department.


In 2019, the Department of International Education was transformed into the Faculty of International Education, the dean of which was E.A. Gaibullaev.


In 2020, S.S. Murtazaev was appointed dean of the faculty.


The Tashkent State Dental Institute signed memorandums on international education programs, together with the University of Turin in Italy in the direction of "Biomedical Engineering", as well as the Moscow University of Medicine and Dentistry of Russia in the direction of "Dentistry". Earlier, on May 12, 2015, between the Tashkent State Dental Institute (Republic of Uzbekistan) and the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after I. A.I. Evdokimova (Russian Federation), a cooperation agreement was signed. The parties agreed to organize a program of interest to both universities.


For the 2018-2019 years of study, the first admission of students was accepted for the two-degree program of study in the areas of "Dentistry" of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry and "Biomedical Engineering of the Turin Polytechnic University.


Starting from August 28, 2019, two-degree training programs were organized in the following areas:


1-General Medicine "5510100"


2-Clinical Psychology "5210200"


3-Higher nursing "5510700"


Direction "General Medicine" - is a joint training program with the Volga Research Medical University, according to the formula 3 + 3.


The direction "Clinical Psychology" is a joint training program with the Orengburg State Medical University, according to the formula 3 + 2.5.


The direction "Higher Nursing" is a joint training program with the Ternopil National Medical University named after I.Ya. Gorbachevsky Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


On April 24, 2018, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Peoples' Friendship University of Russia" and the Tashkent State Dental Institute under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


Starting from 2021-2022, the faculty opened joint educational programs with RUDN and PIMU in the areas of "Dentistry" and "General Medicine".