Jabborov Jasur Toshtemirovich

Department of work with youth, spirituality and enlightenment

  • +998(99) 846-26-08
  • Unvonsiz
  • jasurjshsh@mail.ru
  • Every day 8 00 - 16 00
rasm rasm

    Adilov Asqar Agzamovich

  • Uslubchi
  • +998(99) 816 21 88
  • info@tsdi.uz
  • Toshkent .sh.

    Ботиров Сардор Соатмуродович

  • Uslubchi
  • +998(97) 841 56 50
  • botirovsardor@gmail.com
  • Toshkent .sh.

    Usmonov Komiljon Odilovich

  • Uslubchi
  • +998(90)984 97 58
  • info@tsdi.uz
  • Toshkent .sh.

Department of work with youth, spirituality and enlightenment

Jabborov Jasur Toshtemirovich

Department of work with youth, spirituality and enlightenment


Work with youth, spirituality and enlightenment department to lead the spiritual and educational work carried out in the institute,

coordinate the instructions specified in the normative documents of the department, generalize the spiritual and educationa

l experiences of the departments, public works and departments, encourage students and youth to be patriotic. Carries out the

tasks of educating in the spirit, implementing measures aimed at forming their spiritual world.

General provisions:

• The department is created based on the order of the rector of the institute.

• Institute of specialists in this field of the working group of the department will be composed of professors and teachers;

• The department operates under the leadership of the vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual and educational affairs.

• In establishing its own profit, the department works together with faculty deans and deputy heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments and groups.

• Works based on the charter of the Spirituality and Enlightenment Center under the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, based on current and new work plans.

The purpose of the department:

• Educating students in the spirit of loyalty to national and universal values,

• Expanding their spiritual-aesthetic worldview,

• To improve thinking,

• Careful protection from all kinds of "mass culture" attacks that have a negative impact on the worldview of young people,

• To turn them away from these roads,

• It is to form a true devotee of independent Uzbekistan.

Tasks of the department:

• Carrying out measures related to the social, economic, spiritual and educational activities carried out in our country;

• Organization of roundtable discussions, meetings, spiritual-educational, cultural events in cooperation with experts in

various fields, state and public organizations in order to form spiritual-ethical, aesthetic, political, legal, noble qualities

among students, and to further strengthen immunity to fight against various ideological threats. reach

• Organization of conferences and meetings based on national customs and values

• To help in the formation of the work carried out in order to form the mental and physical abilities of students;

• Determining the work of spiritual and moral education in the institute, developing recommendations for them as well as necessary normative documents;

• Forming spiritual and moral work together with the city and district departments of the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment, as well as foundations and social organizations serving our country.

The department rights:

·         to monitor spiritually-educational work at faculties;

·         to monitor at faculties execution of orders and the instructions of the Ministry connected with spiritually-educational work:

·         Regularly participates and speaks  with offers at meetings for electing assistants of  deans on spiritually – enlightment work and their  dismission of a post;

·         makes offers and instructions to deans of faculties and heads of  chairs concerning spirituality and enlightenment issues;

·         Monitors and  assesses performance by professors and teachers of the works  mentioned in point «Work on spirituality and enlightenment» in their individual plans of work;

·         Following the results of each semestre assistants of  deans reports on the done work to the chief of department on spiritually-educational work;

makes offers on spiritually- enlightment encouragement of the most active employees of faculties, departments and the chairs promoting of spiritually- enlightment work.

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